Picture of the author, pixellated



I am an outcome, not output, driven Product Designer currently working at Infobip where I have worked in the Growth and the Marketing Automation teams with my specialisation in SaaS marketing automation software and Product Led Growth (PLG). I enjoy solving user problems and making their working days more enjoyable and productive. For me design, all design, is about problems solving and solving problems is what drives me.

I've been involved in digital design since back when iMacs were white plastic! I've worked as a front-end and campaign developer at Selligent using the very tools I ended up designing to do work for some of their biggest clients (Tesco, Future publishing, Odeon Cinemas, and Games Workshop to name a few) so every poor piece of UX in that software I had to endure on a daily basis. This gave me valuable insights into how our clients used our products and equipped me well in my transition to Product Design.


User testing evangelist. At Selligent not one project went into development without being user tested. At the end of my time there we were conducting usability weeks on a monthly basis with our clients after transitioning away from UserTesting. Usability weeks gave us crucial insights into our design process as well as continuous discovery and being an important piece of the client relationship process. I once even conducted testing with paper prototypes remotely during the pandemic lockdown period. You can read all about that here.

Outcomes over output. I design user journeys, not screens. I like to deep-dive into my projects and get a thorough understanding of the big picture to identify wider problems, not quick fixes. I'm also big on analytics and how they can inform our designs (analytics driven, not lead).

Inclusivity. Facilitating workshops is my superpower (not my words!) and I truly believe that design is inclusive. Good results are not conjured up by lone designers but are the culmination of teamwork.

Miro hero. I love a Miro board and probably spend 70% of my time there. Figma is always the last tool used in my design process.

    Product design

  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Axure
  • Sketch
  • Balsamiq Mockups
  • Research and competitive analysis
  • Moderated and unmoderated user testing
  • Google Analytics
  • Amplitude
  • FullStory
  • Gainsight PX
  • UserTesting.com

    Web skillset

  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • PHP / MySQL
  • XML
  • AJAX
  • Figma
  • Axure
  • Sketch
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign

Work history

Senior Product DesignerInfobip

Currently I work as part of the Marketing Automation design team at Infobip. Our primary concerns are onboarding Self-Serve signups, engaging with their business cases/needs and converting them from free trial to paying users.
We work closely with Marketing, Product Led Growth and of course engineering and product management. The Growth design team is part of the larger Product Design team of some 35 designers at Infobip.

Try the free trial (and recently redesigned sign-up process) for yourself and leave some feedback!

Visit the site

Product DesignerSelligent Marketing Cloud

Working as part of the Product Design Team we continually develop and improve the Selligent Marketing Cloud marketing execution platform according to business and client needs.
We are responsible for taking briefs from services, feature requests from customers and identifying where UX improvements can be brought according to our own analysis. We work with engineering in 6 week sprints to continually develop and deploy new features.

A comprehensive list of clients using SMC can be found here.

Key projects

  • Smart subject line
  • Segment builder
  • Data import, history and syncronisation
  • Relative Date Time selector
  • Site integration with SMC
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Campaign and web developer Selligent

I used to build bomb-proof responsive emails and email templates, set-up complex user journeys using Selligent Marketing Cloud and Campaign software. Think things like automated email campaigns, preference centers, abandoned carts and online surveys and subscription services. I had the opportunity to onboard and work with major clients such as Tesco, Tesco Mobile, Games Workshop, Ti Media, Future Publishing, Odeon cinemas...

Web designer —Vitality (formerly PruHealth and PruProtect)

Responsible for maintaining and developing the PruProtect website and evolving the brand online. Directs work done by external agencies as the digital brand guardian. Delivers solutions to marketing in a very fast-paced environment to tight deadlines whilst managing the expectations of internal stakeholders. Design and production of marketing emails and also Flash based banners.

Key projects

PruProtect website

Constant evolution of look and feel. Monitoring of analytics in order to make informed evolutions of the design. Wrote all javascript/jQuery for front-end functionality. PruProtect and PruHealth were both merged into Vitality in 2015.

Inheritance tax calculator

This is PruProtects’ first foray into the ‘high net worth’ market and is a disruptive tool aimed to raise the awareness of the need for financial protection. Executed the design, front-end build, calculation engine and integration with Google Graphs API working in conjunction with the actuarial team. Utilises jQuery, javascript, regex for input sanitisation and masking and the Google Graphs API to output the results visually.

Visit the Inheritance tax calculator

Quick quote

Delivered the Design and build of this quote system in an extremely short time – frame. Worked on UX/UI through final designs and complete front-end build. The quote is fully responsive and built upon the latest version of Bootstrap.

Current rate of quote completions throught the funnel is 45%.

Read more Visit the site

Spending calculator

This is a personal project I started with the aim of tracking my monthly spending since the last pay day.

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Launched in January this year, this is the new online presence for the Vitality brand. The first of our sites being developed as responsive. Implemented A / B testing strategies utilising Qubit. I am lead designer for this site and responsible for design, UX/UI and front-end code.

Read more Visit Vitality.co.uk


I am responsible for the design of the main landing page for both customers and advisers. PruProtect and PruHealth were both merged into Vitality in 2015.

Read more Visit PruHealth.co.uk

Literature and tools

Self-initiated project. Developed jQuery, XML and AJAX based literature browsing catalogue to enable advisers to easily browse full range of over 200 items. 100% dynamic – features include advanced filtering, live-search and easy content management interface to enable catalogue updating by marketing team. Integrated Google Analytics to provide real-time MI on downloads of all documents (pdfs/docs/xls/online tools). Implemented XML work-around as database driven solution was unsuitable.

Visit Literature and tools

Direct to consumer quote

Another first for PruProtect – this marks the beginning of the push into the D2C market. I was involved in all aspects, from wireframing, UI/UX to the final build.

Visit D2C quote

Quote and Apply

Full product lifecycle from user journey mapping, through wireframing and UX testing to final design and front-end build. Resulted in a system that is 20% quicker to produce a quote and also improved straight-through application rates of +50%. Designed and built entire PruProtect website. Constant evolution of look and feel. Monitoring of analytics in order to make informed evolutions of the design. Wrote all javascript/jQuery for front-end functionality.

Read more

Graphic designer —  Travelbag

Carried-out duties in the design studio for both digital and print.

  • Responsible for front-end build of new website to hand-off to developers
  • Creation of weekly promotional emails and landing pages
  • Design and build of promotional microsites
  • Design of flash banners
  • Design of various direct marketing print pieces
  • Layouts for monthly Travelbag magazine
  • Layout and illustration for annual print brochures
Visit Travelbag